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Presenting the Africa Peace Award to President Nelson Mandela

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"The Mandela that we honour today, epitomizes the nobility of the African heart at its very best, a charismatic leader who has never sought to impose his decisions on his people. He continues to possess all the attributes of a good leader: a strong personality, ability, stature, calmness, tact and conviction. Rather than dictate, Mandela would always discuss, argue with and be guided by the opinion of his colleagues. Such attributes, coupled with his gracious, amiable and gentlemanly nature, combine to make him the subtle master of every situation. These were the qualities which President Mandela brought to bear on the events which were to change and shape the future of his country - the process of fundamental transition at a time when two clearly discernible trends were influencing international relations namely the trend towards good governance and a commitment to a democratic system of government." Dr. Salim, March 18, 1995


On presenting the ACCORD Africa Peace Award to President Nelson Mandela

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