Closing Statement at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
"Allow me to conclude with a personal note. I first came to China in 1963 when I was a very young man. Thereafter, I had a privilege of serving as Ambassador of my country in this great country in 1969. Since then, I have been coming to China on numerous occasions in different capacities. Every visit to China has been a visit of discovery and inspiration. Discovery, because every time one learns more about this great country with its ancient history and civilization. Inspiration, because of the tremendous changes and progress that has taken place over the years transforming China from a once oppressed, humiliated and under-developed country to the great and modernizing nation that it is today. And throughout, one thing has remained constant; the warmth and friendship of the people and Government of this country towards the people of Africa and their firm commitment to the cause and aspirations of the countries and people of the South." - Dr. Salim, October 12, 2000