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Appeal with Heads of Non-African Diplomatic Missions in Addis

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During a meeting with the heads of non-African Diplomatic missions in Addis and makes an appeal for support towards the humanitarian crisis facing a number of African countries and the refugee crisis.

"At a time when Africa's confidence and determination to tackle the root causes of the political and socio-economic problems is clearly in evidence, the international community is duty bound to support this continent at this crucial stage in its history. You are aware of the present plight of many African countries such as Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Liberia, Mozambique and Angola. You have all followed the tragic developments that have occurred recently in the Horn of Africa. I would like to draw your attention to the situation in the region, and for example to the case of the Sudan which has recently had to receive a huge influx of refugees and which requires urgent and commensurate assistance from the international community. Djibouti and Kenya have also been burdened with additional refugees arising from both the Somalia and Ethiopia situation."


Meeting with Heads of Non-African Diplomatic Missions in Addis

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