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9th Session of the OAU on Southern Africa

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Statement by the Secretary General to the 9th Ordinary Session of the OAU ad-hoc committee of the heads of state and government on Southern Africa. Gabarone, Botswana, 15th October 1992.

"The committee is meeting at a particularly critical juncture in the political process in South Africa. We are meeting against the backdrop of the consolidation of international involvement in the monitoring of of violence in South Africa - an engagement which was advocated by this committee at its last session in Arusha, Tanzania and which Africa got the United Nations Security Council to accept. We now have United Nations and other observers who are cooperating in observing violence. This committee is meeting also when the memories 0f the senseless and brutal massacres at Boipatong and Ciskei are still very fresh; and in consequence of which the resumption of negotiations within the CODESA framework has been impeded."


Statement at the 9th Session of the OAU on Southern Africa

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