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Fidel Castro Visits the United Nations

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President Fidel Castro of Cuba visited the United Nations in October 1979. During his visit he addressed the 34th United Nations General Assembly. Dr. Salim, as President of the United Nations General Assembly, hosted President Castro. President Castro addressed the General Assembly in his capacity as Chairman of the non-aligned States. 

"The nonaligned countries stress the fact that it is imperative to do away with the enormous inequality that separates the developed from the developing countries. We are struggling for an eradication of poverty, of hunger, disease and illiteracy from which hundreds of millions of human beings still suffer. We aspire to a new world order ‐ one based on justice, on equity and peace, one that will replace the unjust and unequal system which prevails today in which, as proclaimed in the final declaration at Havana, “wealth is still concentrated in the hands of a few powers whose wasteful economies are maintained by the exploitation of the labor as well as the transfer and the plunder of the national and other resources of the peoples of Africa, Latin America, Asia and other regions of the world.” - President Castro, October 12, 1979

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