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White House Conference on Africa

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"The Conference was the first of its kind by any United States Administration and it came at a time when there have been considerable criticisms on U.S. policy on Africa with special reference to the current tragedy in Rwanda. The conference was somewhat “tainted” by the boycott of the congressional Black Caucus who said they were not consulted on the preparations of the Conference. They accused the organizers of hasty and poor planning. It was in my view on unfortunate development.

This was essentially an American Affair to discuss American policy on Africa only two Africans were specifically invited. These were myself and Professor Wangari Maathai Professor, Founder of Green Belt Movement, Kenya. There were also some African Journalists and a distinguished Academician working as a scholar in residence at Brookline Institute in Washington, Dr. Francis Deng (Sudanese)." - Dr. Salim, June 26, 1994


SAS Notes June 26 1994

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