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Post-OAU and Return to Tanzanian Politics

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In November 2002, President Benjamin Mkapa nominates Dr. Salim to become a member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) for the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party. He went on to win with 1505 votes, thrusting him back into Tanzanian politics. His return from Addis Ababa kickstarted a whole debate around his future, particularly gearing up to the 2005 general elections. Below is a look at press coverage immediately after Dr. Salim's return in September 2001 through to 2003 with much of the focus on CCM's inter party elections.

Daily News October 4 2001
Uhuru October 9 2001
Sunday News October 2001
Majira October 13 2002
Majira October 1 2002
The African November 1 2002
Dira Zanzibar December 27 2002 January 2 2003
Wananchi May 12 2003
Nipashe May 13 2003
Majira March 9 2003
Mtanzania February 3 2003
Wananchi January 31 2003
Mwananchi November 2 2002
Mwananchi February 18 2003